AgentHub - Redbook

This guide provides agents with quick and easy access to essential information needed for daily operations. It includes details on keyboard commands, spelling alphabets, call procedures, and more.

Keyboard Commands

Keyboard Commands

Key Combination Description Key Combination Description
F1Answer/Hold Alt + F7Mark Message Urgent
F2Answer/Hold Ctrl + F7Move to Front or Back of Message
F3Answer/Hold F8Create New Special
⌘Ctrl + F1Fetch Alt + F8Save Message or Special/Go to Check-In
⌘Ctrl + F2Repeat ⌘Ctrl + F8Conference (eCreator)
Ctrl + F3Park F9Deliver Message or Special
F4Close Call Alt + F9Fast Forward
Alt + F4Disconnect Call and Leave Account on Screen Ctrl + F9Re-fetch eCreator Script
F5Voicemail A (Recorded by Dispatchers) F10Menu
Alt + F5Voicemail B (Erase) Alt + F10Display Directory
Ctrl + F5Voicemail C (Put Caller Into Voicemail) Ctrl + F10Display History
F6Dial Out (Dial String) F11Timestamp
Alt + F6Hold and Park Alt + F11Orbit (Do Not Use)
Ctrl + F6Dial List Ctrl + F11Patch (Do Not Use)
F7Open Message Pad in Infinity/Open Script in IS F12Turn Off
Alt + F12Turn On Ctrl + F12No Message (Do Not Use)

Additional Commands:

Ctrl + HomeErase entire message (Infinity) Ctrl + EndErase current line of text (Infinity)
Ctrl + SInsert a § symbol for dial strings Ctrl + APaste caller ID into the message
Ctrl + BChange text to red (Infinity) Ctrl + NChange text to black (Infinity)

For Mac Keyboards:

Ctrl + ⌥ + DelAccess lock, sign out, or task manager for your remote session
Ctrl + ⌥ + EndAccess lock, sign out, or task manager from a tunneled session
Ctrl + ⌘ + Function KeyUse if Ctrl + Function Key does not work

Spelling Alphabet

Spelling Alphabet

Letter Code



Internal Documentation Only and Not Allowed in Messages

Abbreviation Description Abbreviation Description
A/NAlpha NumericA/SAnswering Service
ALTAlternateB/ATBack at
B/L or BKLNBacklineCB or C/BCall Back

Abbreviations Allowed in Messages

Abbreviation Description Abbreviation Description
ALNAllenmore HospitalAMMorning
ASAPAs Soon as PossibleATTNAttention

Titles Allowed in Documentation and Messages

Title Full Form Title Full Form
DDSDoctor of Dental SurgeryDODoctor of Osteopathic Medicine
PAPhysician's AssistantJr.Junior

Phone Keypad Letters

Phone Keypad Letters


Dead Air, Robo Calls, and Dropped Calls

Dead Air, Robo Calls, and Dropped Calls

Dead Air Statement - Technical Accounts

So that you are not marked down for dead air during calls on Pedigree or other types of accounts, you may use the statement outlined below:

"During this call, you may hear brief moments of silence and I apologize in advance. That is me inputting information into the system or waiting for my system to update but I am on the line if you need me."

Using this statement will allow you to have moments of silence while you are working to assist the customer with their issue, and not have to focus on small talk instead. However, you may only use this statement when the statement is listed on the account. The statement will be listed with that account's ticket log-in or creation instructions. You are not allowed to use this statement on other accounts if the statement is not listed.

Dead Air or Automated (Robo) Calls

This policy applies when no one is on the line. Our PA will play and we will not get a response. When this occurs we will repeat our PA once. If we still have no response we will say to the caller "Hello, if you are able to hear me, I am unable to hear you. If you need further assistance, please call us back. Thank you." If we still get no response, we will end our script (when applicable) and end our call.

To report a "Dead Air" call to the Dead Air/Audio Reports Group in Teams, we will need the following information before the call disconnects:

Field Details
Port NumberEnter the port number on the account
Phone NumberCaller’s phone number
Account Number and Account NameProvide the account details
Date of IssueDate when the issue occurred
Time of IssueTime when the issue occurred
Station NumberAgent station number
IssueBrief description of the issue

If the fields in the script require that we enter information into them, we will use our default information of "hung up" for the name, "" for the email (if required), and "0000000000" when a phone number is required. On the end fields of our script, we can choose "Hung up" when available, or "Other" and type "Hung up" in the available "Other" field.

When this occurs on our doctor and commercial calls, we can simply F4 the call.

End of Call - Caller Hasn't Disconnected

Sometimes our callers may think that the call has ended but they have left the line open. When this occurs, we are not allowed to disconnect first. Instead, we must wait for the caller to respond to our inquiry below.

We will ask the caller if they needed anything further. If we get no response, we will say, "Thank you for calling. I'll be disconnecting the call now." This will be the only time we are allowed to disconnect the call ourselves.

If the caller states there is nothing more they need, we will ask them to disconnect the call.

If the caller needs additional assistance, then we'll assist them accordingly.

Difficult or Abusive Callers

Difficult or Abusive Callers

Our goal is to assist every customer/caller to the best of our abilities. We must do everything in our power to resolve customer complaints and customer issues. If a customer/caller is being abusive or difficult with you, we still need to do our best to assist them. However, there are times where no matter what we do, the customer/caller will not allow us to assist them.

Abusive Caller

When the customer/caller is swearing, being vulgar, or using derogatory/inappropriate comments with the intent of causing verbal abuse/harm/offense, they are an abusive caller.

Keep in mind, the use of swear words out of frustration is not verbal abuse. Some people may swear more than others and that's how they express themselves. If it is a long string of profanity and they are being difficult to work with, follow the "Difficult Caller" process.

Example: "Mr. Jones, I know it's frustrating and I'm happy to help. With your cooperation, we can make that happen. However, if you continue to yell/swear/threaten me, I'll have to end the call." We do this one time for this type of caller.

If the customer then allows you to assist them, continue with the call and assist them with their issue.

If the customer continues being abusive verbally with the intent of causing verbal harm, then we are allowed to disconnect from the caller.

We will advise the caller, "Since you did not allow me to assist you, I am forced to disconnect the call."

We are to IM the supervisor the account number, what happened, and a name of the caller (if obtained). The call will be reviewed and reported.

Difficult Caller

If the customer is being difficult and is upset, yelling/screaming, and doesn't allow us to assist them, they get three warnings or three chances for us to assist them. Customers will be upset for issues beyond our control, but want to blame us for the issue since they reached us on the phone. We should not take their issues personally, but we need to personally assist the caller/customer as best as we can.

If the customer/caller is not allowing you to assist, we advise the caller of what we are able to do to assist them and what we need from them to assist them, and that if we can't get that information, that we will be forced to disconnect the call.

Example: "Mr. Jones, your account doesn’t qualify for a refund. Is there anything else I can do to assist you?" If he states you can assist by giving him a refund, you can repeat it in a different way: "We’ve reviewed your request for a refund. Is there anything else I can assist you with?" If he continues with his request, say, "I’ve assisted you with your refund request. If there is nothing else I can assist you with, I am forced to disconnect the call." Wait to see if he will bring up any other request.

This information will vary per account. We need to make three attempts to let the caller know that we are disconnecting the call and then disconnect from them.

We must IM the supervisor the account number, what happened, and a name of the caller (if obtained). The call will be reviewed and reported.

Agents abusing this policy, or using this policy improperly, will face disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.

Escalating to a Supervisor

You may have a caller that needs to speak with a supervisor. As soon as someone asks for a supervisor, you don't need to argue or explain that your supervisor cannot do more than you. Please ask them politely to hold while you see who is available, then send an IM and include:

"A request for a Supervisor on (account)." Please include as much information as possible ("This is what they wanted…, this is what I did…, etc.").

Please make sure all documentation is done before sending the caller over to the support staff member.

However, don't offer up a supervisor if you don't know how to solve the issue. You can request to put the caller on hold while you see what else you can do, then you may ask the support team if there's anything else if you've exhausted all of your resources. If a caller comes on and immediately asks for a supervisor, you can ask if there's anything you do to assist or ask them if they can advise the supervisor what the call is in regards to. That way it helps out the support staff member who needs to take the call.

Sending Calls to Dispatch

Sending Calls to Dispatch

All calls are to go to dispatch unless otherwise stated on the account. Remember to check your info pages for how to best take the message.

  1. Make sure the call is disconnected.
  2. Timestamp and document the message if you advised a time-frame, called out, or patched.
  3. Make sure the message has been taken properly with correct information.
  4. If the call was relayed; document, save, and deliver the message.
  5. If the call needs to be worked further, save it and send it to dispatch.

Cue Handling

Cue Handling Instructions

The screenshot below shows what a cue is. We will see the word "cue" in two spots. Some cues will have a "Cue has text" box, while some will not. However, all cues have the word "Cue" in the traffic window.

Cue example 1

When you receive a cue:

  1. Click "OK" to close the cue account instructions.
  2. Start a new message pad by using (F7).
  3. Type the word "cue" into the message pad.
  4. Park to the supervisor (Ctrl + F3) unless it gives directions otherwise.
Cue example 2

What Is Not a Cue

In the screenshot below, we see that we have an email. This is not a cue because where it would say "Cue", it instead says "Secretarial."

Non-cue example

This item below will require we follow specific instructions. We will need to read the instructions on the info page. For this example, we will need to shift to a separate sub account and save the message there. After the message is saved, this account is sent to dispatch, not the supervisor.

Sub-account example

If an item appears on your screen that is not marked as a cue, stop and take a moment to look at what you have. If the item is marked as a "Page Fail," that is treated as a cue and is sent to the supervisor on duty. If anything does not look familiar or looks odd to you, stop and reach out to Support by using the "Asking for Assistance" format. Support will assist you further.



Specials are messages intended for call center agents with temporary information pertinent to the handling of the account that they are posted on. Any requests by our client for changes are either temporary and therefore a special is created, or they are requests for a permanent change, which we ask the client to send in writing to AmeriCall. If the information for permanent changes are of an urgent or immediate nature, we may also create a special that will expire at the start of their next business day. The client can request to have the special, or temporary note, to last longer than the next business day so that the information can be sent to us. A special is never referred to as a "special" with a client. They are always referred to as "temporary notes."

Not everyone is allowed to enter Specials. Only those in the Support Group are allowed to create a special for an account. To make a special, we will have to use a specific format. We can do this by following these steps:

  1. Press F8 to enter "make special" mode.
  2. Press F10 then P then F.
  3. Type in "48" and press Enter.

Here's what a completed special may look like:

Your TimeStamp: 05/24/2021 10:07A TAB
Title of Special: Office Closed
Start Date Time: 05/28/2021 12:00P TAB
Requestor: Office
Special Info: closed for the Memorial holiday.

After the special has been saved, make a status to alert your fellow agents to the change and alert your supervisor through IM. As always, if you have questions, ask a trainer or supervisor for assistance. Clients requesting a Special that is permanent can be referred to send their changes in writing to AmeriCall through the methods on account 74111.

Asking for Assistance

Asking for Assistance

When using the assistance format, make sure to include details of what you have done to try to assist the caller, where you have looked to find the answer to your question, etc. Details, details, details. The more details we have regarding your question or request, the better Support will be at assisting you.

Supervisor calls: If the caller is asking for a supervisor and is refusing to give you any information, mark each field of the form "refused." This lets Support know you asked for the information but the caller declined to provide the information.

This form is not required when asking about breaks or lunches.

Field Details
Account # What account number are you on? Include both sub account number and main account number when applicable. If a client has called on the AmeriCall account needing assistance, use the directory to locate the customer's account and fetch the account before transferring to Support.
Account Name Name of the account in full.
Issue/Question What is your question? What do you need assistance with? Ask questions; don't send statements.
Case Number Include the case number or support ticket number when assisting customers that use this tool.
What have you tried? What have you already done to assist the caller? What paths have you followed in the script to assist the caller?
Where are you at in the script/account? Where are you currently in the script or account? Include a screenshot by using the snipping tool to show where you are at.
If It Is a Supervisor Call
Caller's Name Include the caller's name.
Information already collected Include caller's name, phone number, caller's issue or question, etc. Use the snipping tool to enter this information quickly into the form. If information has not yet been collected from the caller, put "Not yet collected."
What is the customer requesting a sup for? What reason or what caused the caller to ask for a supervisor? Were we unable to take a message for them due to their issue, or were they upset on the call, etc.?

The "sup" portion is not required if it is not a supervisor call.

Acquire – Incorrect Disposition Form

Acquire – Incorrect Disposition Form

If you make an error in selecting the wrong disposition option at the end of the call, please use the format below when reaching out to Support.

Field Details
Agent Initials Provide your initials for identification.
Date Enter the date of the call where the error occurred.
Time Provide the exact time of the call.
Account Number Enter the account number associated with the call.
Disposition Chosen Provide the disposition option you selected in error.
Correct Disposition Provide the correct disposition that should have been chosen.

Error Reporting and Account Suggestions

Error Reporting and Account Suggestions

Suggestions for Improvement

At AmeriCall, we embrace change and encourage new ideas for continual improvement. Suggestions for account improvement may be sent to

Required Items to Include

Field Details
Subject Line Include "Account Suggestion" + Account Name or Number
Account Number Provide the full account number
Description Details of the issue
Suggestion Improvement or resolution ideas
Screenshot Use the Snipping Tool or Print Screen to capture the area

Error Reporting Process

Please submit any errors you find in processes, information, or account scripting by creating a support case. This case will be assigned, researched, and corrected by the appropriate support person or team.

Required Items to Include

Field Details
Subject Line Include "Error Report" + Account Name or Number
Account Number Provide the full account number
Station Number Include the station number
Server Number Include the server number
Description Details of the issue and what led to the error
Suggestion Improvement or resolution ideas
Screenshot Use the Snipping Tool or Print Screen
When Time and date of the issue

Send the email to from your AmeriCall Outlook.

Error Examples

  • Misspelled words
  • Duplicate words
  • Client’s website won’t load after testing on multiple browsers
  • Phone number is not in service
  • Employee listed for on-call contact no longer works for the client

Creating an Error Report

  • If the error is on the client’s system such as their website, client portal, phone number, etc., create the error while on the client’s account.
  • If the error is due to an AmeriCall issue such as a script not loading or a spelling error on a script, take the necessary screenshots for the error but do not create the error while on the client’s account. Turn off before completing the call and then F4. Pull up your personal agent account and turn back on. Create the error while on your personal account. After the error report has been submitted, turn back on to return to taking calls.

Screenshot Examples

eCreator Errors

If there is an error on an eCreator account, please capture the page name.

Infinity Errors

Include the info page the error is on along with account details.

Using the Snipping Tool

Using the Snipping Tool is ideal if we only need to capture the error we wish to report.

  1. Click the Menu button on your Remote Desktop at the bottom left of your screen. This looks like the “Windows” icon.
  2. Click on the “Snipping Tool” icon.
  3. Click “New” on the Snipping Tool menu.
  4. Drag your mouse from the top left to the bottom right of the screen area you wish to grab. Once you stop moving your mouse, the screenshot is automatically taken.
  5. A new window will open with your screenshot. You may copy then paste your screenshot into a Word document.
  6. Save the document, then attach the document to your error report email.

Using Print Screen

The Print Screen key option is helpful if time is a factor. Using Print Scren is faster to use than the Snipping Tool. The drawback is it takes a picture of our entire screen instead of just a small portion of our screen.

  1. Using Print Screen will vary based on the computer and keyboard you are using. For most computers, this function is Ctrl along with the Print Screen button on your keyboard, so you can use Ctrl + Print Screen together to capture your entire screen.
  2. After you have your screen captured, open Word.
  3. Paste your screen capture into the new Word document.
  4. Save the document and then attach the document to your error report email.

Spanish Translation Instructions

Spanish Translation Instructions

For any caller needing a Spanish-speaking agent, we will immediately use translation services for assistance.

This document and these instructions are to be used with the initial caller only. They are not to be used to assist the on-call.

Infinity Accounts Reminder

In the body of the message (or where room allows), document that the caller speaks Spanish. The on-call provider may not speak Spanish and will need to know what language the caller speaks.

For: Timothy Edwards
From: Jorge Hernandez (Spanish Speaker)
Phone Number: §253-620-5555
Msg: Customer needs assistance with setting up their PA system. They need assistance urgently.

IS and eCreator Accounts Reminder

When taking a message, document that the caller speaks Spanish. The person returning their phone call will need to know what language the caller speaks.

Infopage 1 and Infopage 2

  1. Enter the account number that you need translation for into your note pad. This will be the main account number, not a sub-account number.
  2. If the account is an eCreator account, cancel the script and proceed all the way to the call closed page. If it is a split script, be sure to close both sides of the script. Do not F4 the call. If the account is not eCreator, proceed to step 3.
  3. Fetch account 70007.
  4. Make sure you are in "take message" mode. If you aren't in "take message" mode, hit F7 to view a new message on the account.
  5. Use your page down button on your keyboard to move to Page 2.
  6. Hit F6 once. This will bring up your dial string.
  7. Hit F6 again. This will enter the translation services number into the dial string. Hit Enter to call 1-855-886-2901.
  8. Enter code 2052191.
  9. Enter the PIN. Use the "Accounts.xls - Shortcut" spreadsheet from your desktop to find the PIN associated with the account you need an interpreter for.
  10. Introduce yourself and the reason for the call.
  11. Once we have an interpreter on the line, fetch the original account.
  12. Conference the call by using CTRL + F8. If you accidentally patch the call, simply hit F1 on your keyboard to return to the conference state.

Proper Time Adjustments

Proper Time Adjustments

When logged out or turned off, the system will not know you are still on the clock. To make sure you are getting paid properly, you must provide your supervisor with your time adjustment.

Adjustments must be provided to your supervisor in the same format every time. These should only be sent if you were doing something that was work-related that required you to be unavailable for a call. This does not include personal equipment failure or lack of network connection at home. Listed below is the correct format.

Formats for Time Adjustments

If you are still logged in Infinity but turned off:
ABC 10:04AM-10:20AM Training on Account New Paths (OFF 16 minutes)

If you are completely logged out of Infinity:
ABC 10:04AM-10:20AM Training on Account New Paths (OUT 16 minutes)

Important Notes

  • Support staff logged in with their support login do not need to submit a time adjustment if turned off.
  • The time exception must include:
    • Agent's initials
    • Time logged out/off
    • Time logged back in/turned on
    • Reason for being logged out/off
    • Exact duration in minutes (not in hours and minutes)
  • If you are logged out or off, take a break, and resume work after your break, you must create separate time adjustments for each segment. Do not combine the time and deduct the break duration.

Positive Examples

  • ABC 10:04AM-10:20AM "Full name of Training Item including allowed Time" (OUT/OFF 16 minutes)
  • ABC 10:30AM-10:50AM "Full name of Training Item including allowed Time" (OUT/OFF 20 minutes)

It is your responsibility to provide your supervisor with the correct time adjustment. If it's not given, then your pay may be adversely affected.

Completing a 137 Form

Completing a 137 Form

There are times when a client's website or our own software will prevent us from completing a call. In this instance, we would complete a 137 form, which will allow us to call the caller back later when the necessary applications are working again.

Steps to Complete a 137 Form

  1. Advise the caller that "the system is going through an update" and that you will need to call them back later. Document the originating account number in your notepad.
  2. Send an instant message to the shift supervisor about the issue encountered.
  3. If you are on an eCreator account, cancel the script and close the browser window by pressing Esc.
  4. Fetch account 137 by pressing Ctrl + F1.
  5. Start a new message by pressing F7.
  6. Fill out the 137 form and save it by pressing Alt + F8.
  7. Advise the caller that you will call them back "after the system has updated" and close the call.
  8. Set a 15-minute repeat by pressing Ctrl + F2.
  9. Once the 137 repeat has appeared, check to see if the issue encountered earlier is still occurring. If so, set another repeat.
  10. If the issue encountered earlier has been resolved, follow these steps:
    1. Call the caller back. If you get a voicemail, leave a voicemail to advise them to call us back. Document that you left a voicemail (F10 > Message > Edit), deliver the message by pressing F9, and F4 the call. You are done.
    2. If the caller answers, document that you completed the call, deliver the message, fetch the original account, and complete the call.

The Five Forbidden Phrases

The Five Forbidden Phrases

I Don't Know

Saying "I don’t know" undermines caller confidence and does not add value. An alternative to saying "I don't know" is, "That's a good question. Let me find out for you," or "That's a good question. The best person/department to speak with is (insert name or department here). May I take a message so they can call you back?" Always go the extra mile to assist our clients and their customers.

We Can't Do That

What's wrong with telling a customer "We can't do that"? After all, there are certain things an organization may not be able to do. The answer is that we want to focus on the positive. Let the caller know what you can do for them and what paths are available to solve their problem.

You'll Have to or You'll Need To

Nobody likes to be ordered around, particularly when they are looking for help. Instead, offer options and choices: "You may want to check the website for additional information."

I'm Sorry, This Is (Just) the Call Center

What this says to the caller: if you're sorry you’re the call center, you have just diminished the value of your role. Alternative: don't be sorry. Let them know what you can do to help them and what options are available.

No (at the Beginning of the Sentence)

Starting a sentence with the word "no" sets a negative tone and feels to the caller that you are putting up a roadblock instead of helping them. Instead, eliminate that word and offer options and focus on what you can do for them.

Quick Links

Quick Links

If you do not know your log-in credentials, ask the operations manager.

Rules and Regulations

Rules and Regulations

  • You are to be signed in and on in Infinity by your shift's start time. Logging into your remote session at your shift start time will cause you to be tardy for your shift.
  • Sign into Infinity by using your own assigned login. You must clock in accurately at all times.
  • Calls are to be answered promptly, professionally, and cheerfully.
  • Messages are to be taken accurately.
  • Messages are to be given to dispatch to relay to the clients according to their instructions.
  • No eating of any kind will be allowed in the call center. All drinks must be contained in a spill-proof container. There are no exceptions.
  • All instructions from supervisors will be followed at all times. If there is a problem with these instructions, you are to approach the operations manager privately.
  • No negative remark will be said about AmeriCall, its employees, or its clients.
  • Do not leave the call center without expressed permission from your supervisor. Your lunch break is the one exception.
  • Be a team player at all times.
  • Cell phones are to be silenced and in your purse or pocket. Never take out your phone in the call center.

Suicidal Callers

Suicidal Callers

Signs That Someone May Need Help

  • Talking about wanting to die or kill themselves.
  • Looking for a way to kill themselves, such as searching online for methods.
  • Talking about feeling hopeless or having no reason to live.
  • Talking about feeling trapped or in unbearable pain.
  • Talking about being a burden to others.

Doctor Accounts

A call is classified as a suicidal call if a caller's conversation will likely lead to or is related to suicide.

The steps below follow AmeriCall's policy for suicide prevention. If the account has a specific process for suicidal calls, such as Sound Family Medicine, defer to that account's policy.

  1. Thank the caller for reaching out using the following verbiage: "Thank you for reaching out to us and letting us assist you."
  2. Ask the caller for their name and phone number. This information is vital in case the caller disconnects. Document this in your notepad for step three.
  3. Use the following verbiage to keep the caller on the line: "Please do not hang up with me. I am going to reach out to someone who is better suited to assist you."
  4. Call the Suicide Prevention Hotline number at 988.
  5. As soon as the line begins to ring, bring the caller back on the line.
  6. Identify yourself with your first name and the account the caller called. Provide the hotline agent with the caller's name and phone number. Two-patch the caller to the hotline once advised the hotline agent is ready.

We do not give advice or opinions on suicide. Our role is to get the caller professional help as quickly as possible. Every suicidal call is treated seriously, using all resources available to assist.

All Other Accounts

  1. Thank the caller for reaching out using the following verbiage: "Thank you for reaching out to us and letting us assist you."
  2. Ask the caller for their name and phone number. This information is vital in case the caller disconnects. Document this in your notepad for step three.
  3. Use the following verbiage to keep the caller on the line: "Please do not hang up with me. I am here to assist you."
  4. Call the Suicide Prevention Hotline number at 988.
  5. Identify yourself with your first name and the account the caller called. Provide the hotline agent with the caller's name and phone number. Two-patch the caller to the hotline once advised the hotline agent is ready.

Threats of Violence

Threats of Violence

As soon as the caller threatens violence or bodily harm, alert your Support Group through Teams. You may alert Support of a bomb threat or threats of bodily harm simply by sending “Bomb Threat” or “Violence Act Threat” through your Support Group chat.

When reaching out to Support, you may bypass use of the “Asking for Assistance” format document. Do not put the caller on hold. Gather as much information as you can and provide Support with this information as you are gathering it. You may enter the information into Teams as you gather it.

Support, reach out to the client’s on call as the information is gathered. Follow the instructions on the account. If the account has on-call staff for building or office emergencies and the threat is directed at the client’s location, relay the information to that on-call contact.

Questions to Ask

  • When is the bomb going to explode?
  • What does it look like?
  • What kind of bomb is it?
  • What will cause it to explode?
  • Did you place the bomb? Why?
  • What is your name?
  • What is your address?

Things to Listen For

Was the language of the threat well-spoken or educated? Incoherent? Foul? Taped? Irrational? Was the message read by the threat maker?

Information About the Caller

  • Sex (M/F)
  • Race
  • Age

The Caller's Voice Was...

Calm Nasally Angry Stuttering Excited Lisping
Slow Raspy Rapid Deep Soft Ragged
Loud Clearing Throat Laughing Breathing Deeply Crying Cracking
Normal Disguised Distinct Slurred Whispered Familiar

What did it sound like to you?

The Noises in the Background Were From...

  • The Street
  • Voices
  • Animals
  • PA System
  • Static
  • Music
  • Local
  • Inside a House
  • Long Distance
  • Motors
  • Office Machines
  • Nothing

Is there anything else you may have noticed in the background?